Events and activities on perseverance for 6–12-year-olds

Every year, HSD gives rise to many initiatives and activities in educational, youth, community, cultural, business, and other environments to celebrate students’ perseverance. Join the movement! Feel free to copy, adapt, or reinvent the ideas below.

A curtain of encouragement made from 350 bottles

A travel-themed HSD activity: parents slip notes of encouragement into 350 recyclable containers, like messages in bottles. We hang the bottles in the atrium to create a curtain of encouragement and then reveal the messages at the end of the week.

École primaire du Bout-de-l'Isle



Ribbons for parents

Perseverance ribbons handed out to parents at the end of school days, when they are present.

Centre haïtien d'animation et d'intervention sociales – CHAIS



Reading rally

A reading rally based on a selection of books on the theme of perseverance. A two-fold goal of encouraging both reading and perseverance!

Atelier 850



Double-takes on success

Teachers post students’ successes on classroom doors. Parents can take part by describing (in writing or via email) what they feel is special about their child’s success.

Académie Louis-Pasteur



Library to the rescue!

Special event for classes. Reading and presentation of books with the theme of perseverance at school, followed by a discussion and activity that highlights the perseverance of a student.

Pierrefonds Library



Heartfelt perseverance

Each student writes something they did that showed perseverance on a heart and posts it in the classroom.

École primaire Henri-Beaulieu

Superpower certificates

Certificates of perseverance are handed out to children by their social workers during visits. The certificates revolve around the theme of superheroes/heroines and acknowledge and highlight the value of the child’s superpowers.

CIUSSS Centre-Sud-de-l'île-de-Montréal



Honour guards

Local community workers form festive honour guards to applaud students and offer words of encouragement when they arrive.

Table de concertation jeunesse de Bordeaux-Cartierville



He or she inspires me…

Text of 300 words on perseverance at school by grade 6 students based on the path of someone who inspires them. 

École primaire Jardin-des-Saints-Anges



Encouragement from partners

External partners send letters of encouragement to the student council, which are then broadcast over the intercom.

École primaire Simone-Desjardins



Girls making a commitment

A discussion workshop in which girls make a commitment to achieving their ambitions and reaching their goals. The workshops highlight how the help and encouragement offered by their superheroes and heroines support them along the way.

Les Scientifines

Occupation week

Students from preschool to grade 2 learn about different occupations. Costumes, games, and workshops.

École primaire De la Belle-Rive



Reading and perseverance

A “thermometer” in the hallway outside each classroom shows the number of books read. The best readers then get a place at the foot of the Tree of Perseverance.

École primaire Très-Saint-Sacrement



Letter sent to parents – and back!

On the back of the letter informing parents about HSD, parents write or draw a message of encouragement for their child. These messages are then returned and posted at the school.

École primaire Adélard-Desrosiers



Little hands and leaves of perseverance

Each student receives a little hand on which parents write the child’s qualities. The little hands then become leaves on the Tree of Perseverance at the school entrance.

École primaire Saint-Paul-de-la-Croix



Diplomas for adults

Each student gives a diploma of thanks to an adult who has supported them in their plan to persevere at school.

École primaire Fernand-Gauthier

On the road to high school

What’s so special and important about high school? And what do want out of it? An in-class reflection and group sharing at an assembly. The summary of the reflections and desires is submitted to the administration of the local high school.

École primaire Saint-Louis

Wall of Success

The Wall of Success is for notes of appreciation – that students post for themselves or that their teachers and classmates post for them.

École primaire Saint-Émile

Art on the agenda

Drawing contest about persevering at school as part of the art class. The winning drawing will be on the cover of the next school agenda.

École primaire Enfants-du-Monde

Inspired yet? Register the activities organized in your community in the calendar to share them with everyone and show your commitment to helping students persevere in school.

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