HSD in Estrie
- 15th anniversary -

From February 12th to 16th, 2024, 
let's celebrate school perseverance of young people in Estrie! ​​​​

The daily effort of perseverance takes place in the present tense, but it shapes the future. When we encourage, listen to, support, and guide our young people, their determination and perseverance shines through. Let’s give them what they need to believe in their dreams, unlock their potential, and persevere.

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HSD in Estrie: 15 years of celebration!

15 years, that calls for a grand celebration! To commemorate the past 15 years of commitment and awareness around school perseverance in Estrie, we invite you to a special event. More details to come in January.

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CONTEST - Register your activities in our calendar!

Experience the HSD with your young people and organize activities around school perseverance! Don't forget to register your activities in our calendar! You could win $1,000 at the Biblairie GGC!

register your activities

Order your HSD materials!

Let’s use the HSD to create a wave of encouragement and motivation to carry our young people along. You can now order you free promotional materials to encourage young people loud and clear!

order your materials


15th Anniversary Event

Sortons les bulles et nos rubans vert et blanc! R3USSIR vous invite à venir célébrer en grand les 15 ans des JPS en Estrie lors d'un événement spécial!

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PersiVERDANT Thursday

All in green for school perseverance! On february 15th, 2024, we are challenging you to go green in creating a wave of support for young people!

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Meet up with Laurent Duvernay-Tardif and guests

The HSD 2024 invite 5th grade to 2nd secondary students to a meet up with Laurent Duvernay-Tardif, spokesperson for the HSD, and his guests, on February 15, 2024.

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February 12th, 2024

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Commandez votre matériel JPS GRATUIT!

December 11th, 2023

Les commandes sont maintenant ouvertes! Réservez dès maintenant vos outils promotionnels gratuits. Faites vite, les quantités sont limitées!

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December 6th, 2023

Nous y sommes! C’est aujourd’hui que nous vous dévoilons la programmation de notre 15e édition des JPS en Estrie, qui se dérouleront du 12 au 16 février 2024.

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