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PersiVERDANT Thursday

PersiVERDANT Thursday is an initiative of the Partenaires pour la réussite éducative dans les Laurentides (PREL) to generate a wave of support for students during Hooked on School Days, which runs this year from February 12 to 16, 2024 

No need to dress in green from head to toe to participate. Just add a touch of green to mark the occasion and proudly show your support. 

Promote PersiVERDANT Thursday!

On Thursday, February 15, rise to the challenge! 

Wear a green item of clothing or accessory (shoes, tie, scarf, tuque, shoelaces, glasses) or decorate your classroom or office in green. Go ahead, get creative! 

Help us create a green wave of support on social media by taking a photo and sharing it with the hashtag #perséVERT2024. 

Business owners:  

  • Decorate your business in green. 
  • Light your storefront in green. 
  • Encourage your staff to wear green. 
  • Offer a discount on certain green items. 


  • Wear a green tie or shoes to the city council meeting. 
  • Share a photo of your mayor wearing a green item of clothing or accessory with the hashtag #perséVERT2024 

Let’s join together to show our commitment to encouraging young people to stay in school! 

Why green?

Green symbolizes youth and hope. It represents young people, who need to feel appreciated and valued every day to persevere.  

It is one of the two colours of the school perseverance ribbon, the other being white, a blend of all colours and a metaphor for the community that helps young people develop.